Day 20, Seesaw

During the #JulyiPadChallenge, Mondays are devoted to free digital tools that help teachers communicate (and share student creations) with parents. Read more about the challenge here.

Student digital portfolios have been a passion of mine for the last several years, and after much experimentation and research, I am going to be using Seesaw with all of my students from here on out!

Considered a “learning journal,” Seesaw lets students and teachers create, capture, and share artifacts of student learning.  It’s designed to be student-driven, so students can collect their own samples without a lot of adult oversight and intervention.  This, and the ease of parent sharing, will make it an easy sell to teachers who are new to this excellent digital tool.

The help section of Seesaw’s website is so user-friendly and thorough that I haven’t created many of my own support materials for teachers, so if it’s still new to you, check it out these materials to get better acclimated to this wonderful free resource for creating and sharing student portfolios.


I’ve also written about Seesaw here and here, so click the links to read more about how to use it during the upcoming school year.  My very first Seesaw photo how-to guide is here.  If you’re feeling really excited about trying Seesaw today, practice by using Mr. Badura’s app task challenges!

We’ll be using Seesaw K-12 in my district this year, but my experience with it so far has been mostly with 11th and 12th graders.  I’m happy to help if you have concerns about how this might work with “big kids!”  I’m a Seesaw Ambassador, so feel free to connect with me (here or on Twitter) if you have specific questions that I can answer.

Day 20, Seesaw